Thom Rutledge & the good Dr. Allen Berger are proud to announce that they know what a podcast is…and they even have one.

Courage is to fear as light is to darkness.
The dark never goes away.
We turn on the light.
I have discovered something more important to me than happiness: self-respect. Even on a bad day, a day when I am far from being my own biggest fan, my integrity can remain intact. That is the ultimate measure of myself, at the end of a day, and ultimately at the end of my life. It's not about what happens to me; it is always about how I respond. It's not about how I am treated; it's about what I choose to do with whatever that is. - Thom

Thom Rutledge, LCSW is a psychotherapist and author of several books, including Embracing Fear, The Self-Forgiveness Handbook, What Love Is and The Greater Possibilities. Thom's work has been featured on NBC's Today Show, CNN's Anderson Cooper, Australia's Channel 10 and he has consulted with The Dr. Phil Show. These days he maintains his therapy practice, consults with clients internationally via video conferencing and loves opportunities to share what he is continuing to learn personally and professionally.
Beyond the Covid Days (FINGERS CROSSED)
I am now seeing clients in my Nashville office, which is a pleasure. But I remain available to do remote consultations. Just let me know if you would like to schedule a consultation.
Necessity being the mother of invention, during the COVID shutdown this old guy has even learned how to do group work and educational events online remotely. So if you have a group that would like to do some work and are not near Nashville and prefer to avoid my travel expenses, I'd love to talk with you. We'll come up with something that will work for you and your team.

Group Retreats
For many years, Julie Merryman and I facilitated weekend retreats here in Middle Tennessee. We are no longer doing those programs. However, if you have an interested in doing some focused group work based on my INTRApersonal Change Process model, please let me know.
My Services
Psychotherapy & Remote Consultation
First of all, thank you for your interest in my work. I have been in the people-helping business for 40+ years now and can honestly say that I still love my job.
I see clients in my Nashville office and also do video consultation for clients in other locations. If you would like to set a time to meet, simply email me at thomrutledgeauthor@gmail.com.
Speaking & Professional Training
I am available for speaking engagements, personal growth workshops and professional training programs. I love opportunities to take my show on the road and share with others some of what I have discovered over these past 60-something years personally and 40 years professionally. Anything I do is informal and collaborative. As a trainer, my preference is to teach in interactive group settings, using demonstrations and role-play. I believe that the best goal of professional training is to help professionals to discover their own best philosophies and methodologies. I'm not shy about sharing what I think and believe but hopefully always with a respect that no two of us will ever do this work the same.
Email me and we will work something out that will work for your purposes.
Please email me if you have an interest in any of the services described on this page.

If you would prefer more than one old guy, consider inviting Allen Berger & Thom to speak…